UT insieme vocale-consonante (Italy)
在指揮多納蒂的帶領下,該團演出過橫跨古今的系列節目,包括:從文藝復興現代橫跨數百年:「雅歌 ” Trahe me post te”」、1900年代法國與義大利傑出作曲家的作品:「多彩的20世紀」、關於夜晚的音樂與文學之旅:「世界的每一夜」、現代音樂之「夢與視像」、取材達文西時代之音樂與文字:「李奧納多之夢」。
2015年該團錄製” Pulchra ut luna, electa u” (如月般柔美,如日般明亮)專輯,選唱舊約雅歌與數首《羔羊經》。同年該團在保加利亞的瓦納贏得國際五月合唱比賽首獎;2016年春天贏得歐洲合唱大賽。這是28年來義大利合唱團在合唱比賽中贏得的最高榮譽。
烏特合唱團曾與多位世界著名指揮及作曲家合作,如:B. Boterf, J. Busto, N. Corti, B. Holten, U. Lah, C. Pedini, R. Rasmussen, L. Streich,並錄製多張現代音樂專輯。該團曾多次受邀在義大利及歐洲各地演出,包括:法國亞維農與韋松拉羅邁納、義大利:米蘭及杜林、法諾、阿雷佐、基亞文納以及薩萊諾。
UT insieme vocale-consonante is a cappella vocal ensemble consisting in a variable number of members: from the madriglistic group to the chamber choir. Ut singers come from different parts of Italy and have a well-established musical and vocal experience; most of them are choral conductors.
With the conduction of Lorenzo Donati, the ensemble performs thematic projects of ancient and contemporary music, like: Trahe me post te, the Song of Songs throughout the centuries, from Renaissance to Contemporary music; The colours of the 20th century, French and Italian music written by the greatest composers of 1900; Every night of the world, a journey around the musical and literary world of the night; Dreams and visions, a program of contemporary music; Leonardo dreams, with music and texts from Leonardo da Vinci's time.
In 2015 the ensemble recorded Pulchra ut luna, electa ut sol, including pieces from the Song of Songs and several Agnus Dei. In the same year UT insieme vocale-consonante won the top prize at the International May Choir Competition in Varna (Bulgary) and in the spring 2016 won the European Grand Prix for Choral Singing (EGP). For the first time in 28 years an Italian choir win the most prestigious award for choral music.
The group collaborated with some of the worldwide well-known conductors and composers, like B. Boterf, J. Busto, N. Corti, B. Holten, U. Lah, C. Pedini, R. Rasmussen, L. Streich and it has recorded several CDs of contemporary music. The ensemble was invited to perform all over Europe and Italy: Festival des Choeurs Lauréats (Avignon and Vaison-la-Romaine), MiTo settembre musica (Milan and Turin), Incontro Polifonico Internazionale Città di Fano (Fano, PU), Concorso Polifonicoo Guido d'Arezzo (Arezzo), Rezia Cantat (Chiavenna, SO), Salerno Festival (Salerno).
Lorenzo Donati, conductor
作曲兼指揮,就讀佛羅倫斯音樂院的多納蒂曾與Camillo Togni、Ennio Morricone、Paqual Dusapin等人修習作曲。也曾追隨Diego Fasolis、Gary Graden、Rinaldo Alessandrini、Ottavio Dantone、Carl Hogset, Roberto Gabbiani、Peter Neumann學習合唱指揮。
2007年贏得波隆納舉辦的國際合唱指揮比賽。他曾與義大利青年合唱團、Vox Cordis、Hesperimenta合唱團、烏特合唱團等合唱團合作,在義大利國內與國際比賽屢獲佳績:2016年歐洲合唱大賽(與烏特合唱團)。自2016年起他開始帶領職業的薩拉齊尼-錫耶納大教堂合唱團。
他的作品在世界各地演出並由多家出版社出版。並與許多國際文化機構合作:錫耶納音樂學院、歐洲合唱協會Europa Cantat音樂節、義大利法諾的Festival Incontro Polifonico Citta di Fano音樂節、圭多阿雷佐基金會、國家合唱指揮比賽、Festa della Voce音樂節等。
Composer and conductor, he studied composition with Camillo Togni, Ennio Morricone, Paqual Dusapin and he attended Music Conservatory in Firenze. He also studied choral conducting with Diego Fasolis, Gary
Graden and Rinaldo Alessandrini, Ottavio Dantone, Carl Hogset, Roberto Gabbiani, Peter Neumann.
He performed several concerts with Coro Giovanile Italiano, Vox Cordis, Hesperimenta Vocal Ensemble and UT insieme vocale-consonante, with which he won many national and international competitions, like the Eropean Grand Prix for Choral Singing in 2016 (with UT insieme vocale-consonante). From 2016 he conducts the professional Coro della Cattedrale di Siena - Guido Chigi Saracini. In 2007 he won the International Competition for Choral Conductors (Bologna).
His compositions are performed and published by various publishers around the world. He collaborates with several international cultural institutes like Accademia Chigiana, ECA- Europa Cantat, Feniarco, Festival Incontro Polifonico Citta di Fano, Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo, National Competition for Choral Conductors, Festa della Voce.
He teaches masterclasses on choral music and composition and he is often invited to join the jury in international contests. He teaches choral composition and choral conducting at the Music Conservatory of Trento and at the Summer Academy of Accademia Chigiana di Siena.